Saturday, January 31, 2015

Need Quick Muscle Growth? Pyramid Program Weight Lifting for Maximum Muscle Gain

If you are looking to gain as much muscle as possible in the shortest amount of time, then the pyramid program weight lifting method may be just what you need. The standard three sets of 15 repetitions workout just doesn’t cut it anymore. Sure, if you are just getting started in weight training or coming back after an injury, it might ease you back into a workout routine. But if you really want to push your muscles to the max to spur on some serious mass growth, you can’t beat pyramid lifting.

There are actually two versions of the pyramid program weight lifting method: forward and reverse. And to keep your muscles from getting used to one way (and to avoid boredom), you should switch back and forth between them every 3-4 weeks.

The forward pyramid usually consists of five sets with reps counts of 15, 10, 6, 10, and 15. The first couple of sets use lights weights and act to get the blood flowing in the muscle group you are working out. The middle set, typically called the “work set”, is where you will really push your muscles. You do this by lifting as much weight as possible for six reps. The last couple of sets are called the “drop sets” and will fully fatigue your muscles. You will use much lighter weights by this time.

The reverse pyramid works in the opposite direction. After a few warm up reps with no weight, you will do five sets of 6, 10, 15, 10, and 6. However, this time you will be using your heaviest weight on the first and last sets and have your lightest weight in the middle of the routine. This workout will fully overload your muscles, especially at the end (if you are even able to finish).

The pyramid program weight lifting method, when done correctly, can result in quick muscle mass gains. Be sure to alternate between forward and reverse routines, get enough rest between workouts so that your muscles can fully recover, and maintain an optimum nutritional diet to fully maximize muscle growth.

Source by Nate Dunn

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

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