Friday, January 30, 2015

Muscle Building – The Truth Behind the Science

Many people do not understand the correct science behind building muscle. So many struggle to achieve results they would like. There are a few proper “techniques” that you can apply to your muscle building agenda that could change your results incredibly.

1) Compound movements

- They stimulate the most total muscle fiber at one time.

This means that you can work a wide range of muscles by performing only a small number of exercises. For example, the bench press is an awesome compound movement for the chest, but it also stimulates the shoulders and triceps at the same time.

-Also they increase anabolic hormone production.

Muscles do not grow merely by being directly stimulated with weights. Muscle growth also occurs as your body kicks up its production of anabolic muscle-building hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone. The best way to increase the production of these hormones is through the use of intense, compound exercises.

2) Do not Overtrain

Ultimately it is, but the most important thing to realize in relation to all of this is that the muscles can only grow bigger and stronger if they are provided with sufficient recovery time in between workouts. Without the proper recovery time, the muscle growth process simply cannot take place.

3) Improper Meal Frequency

Most people are stuck on the traditional approach of “3 square meals a day” consumed roughly every 5-6 hours. For the best muscle-building and fat burning results, you should literally take the OPPOSITE approach. Instead of consuming 2-3 big meals every 5-6 hours… you should be consuming 5-6 small meals every 2-3 hours.

- Eating frequently keeps your body in an anabolic state.

- Your fat burning metabolism will stay raised

Source by Adam Hefner

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

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