Saturday, January 31, 2015

4 Essential Foods That Build Muscle

To build muscle you need to know what to eat and you need to eat foods that build muscle. You have probably heard the saying, 20 percent of building muscle is the actual exercises and 80 percent is nutrition, which I totally agree with. But many people tend to forget this and only focuses on the time in the gym and forget to focus on foods to make the muscle building process work.

I will in this article provide you with 4 essential foods that build muscle, which I through my experience and what I have learned from my role models found to be good to include in your nutrition plan.

Muscle Building Foods

Red meat is the first one in the list. It contains a lot of high quality protein that is essential in building up muscle. You need protein in your diet if you want to build muscle and red meat is among the foods that build muscle that is famously known for doing that. It is also a high source of iron, which carries the necessary oxygen to your blood cells among other benefits. Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6 and zinc are other nutritional benefits that puts red meat among the preferred choice when talking about foods that build muscle.

The second one on the list of muscle building foods is egg. Egg is a cheap source of prosperous protein with most of the essential amino acids. Vegetarians that also eat eggs knows how effective they are in building muscle and are on their list of foods that build muscle when going out to shop.

Fish is on top of the list of muscle building foods. It is a high source of protein, but what also puts it on top of the list is the richness of omega 3 fatty acids. A lot of people think that all fat is bad for the health, which is simply not true. It is saturated fat that we want to avoid which is also avoided by many to be put on the list. The nutrition’s in fish also has a lot of internal health benefits.

Another good source of healthy fat and protein for muscle building foods is mixed nuts (everything from cashew nuts to almonds etc.). Many of the different nuts have the same healthy fat that is good for the internal health, along with other beneficial nutritional minerals. Many bodybuilder uses nuts as snack because of the richness in protein.

What to know

The above foods are just a small portion of the foods available for this purpose. But what is important to realize in this situation is that is as important to get protein as it is with healthy fat and carbs. You need fat to lose weight, because your body will start storing fat if you don’t consume any. And you need carbs to have energy. It is therefore important to know what you consume and choose the right foods that build muscle.

Source by Balu Pierre

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

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