Friday, January 30, 2015

Diet Supplement – Ensure You’re Getting the Nutrition Your Body Needs

With the growing awareness of the correlation between poor diet and debilitating diseases, more and more people are taking careful measures of sustaining a well balanced and healthy diet. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are with your food choices your body’s nutritional needs are not fully met by your meals alone. Should you take a diet supplement to supply what is lacking?

The Debate

There is an ongoing debate about the propriety and advisability of taking dietary supplements. There are those who believe that these supplements are superfluous given the nutrients we get from food. However, there is also a school of thought supporting the intake of a diet supplement to provide the body with the needed amount of nutrients it is not getting from food sources.

Which school of thought should you follow? It depends. Are you getting enough nutrition from the food you eat on a daily basis? If not, then you should supplement your diet to maintain a healthy body. The key is to identify which vitamin,s minerals, and nutrients your body is deficient of. This can be identified from your diet. You can consult a physician, as well, for a more precise diagnosis.

Why Food is Not Enough

The food served on our tables went through a number of processes that all contributed to the depletion of its nutrient value. First, farming methods of the majority of food sources still use chemicals and fertilizers to ensure a good yield. It is followed by intense washing and packaging. It then travels a long way and undergoes more processes to ensure that your food is clean and safe but not exactly as nutritious and healthy as it should be for the body’s needs. Also, the fact that most of us do not maintain a balanced diet is also a glaring factor to consider.

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What Supplements Should You Take?

As mentioned earlier, a diet supplement is meant to supply the body with the necessary nutrients that the body is not getting from food sources alone. This means that one should know which vitamins, minerals, or nutrients that the body is lacking in order to supplement it.

What Dietary Supplements are Available in the Market?

There are as many dietary supplements as there nutrient deficiencies. You can have a selection of supplements for iron, calcium, protein, and the like. Of course, there are also multivitamins to cover a majority of vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

There are also supplements targeted toward special needs such as detoxification, cholesterol control, and organ maintenance among others.

Source by Nathan Erganzung

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