Sunday, April 19, 2015

How To Build Arm Muscle Quickly

Learning how to build arm muscle quickly can be a difficult process and there are no “magic” techniques that will give you overnight results. However, with a well balanced diet, a good exercise program and the right attitude you can build arm muscle quickly. In this article I am going to show you just how to build arm muscle quickly by using a time-tested program of diet and exercise that will give you the results you want.

Getting Your Diet Right

In order to build arm muscle quickly you need to get your diet right. This means getting the proper balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as taking in sufficient energy (calories) every day. The amount that you need to eat will vary from person to person but a man of average height and weight should aim for around 2500-3000 calories a day. Your diet should consist of approximately 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% good fats. Sources of protein are red and white meat, fish, milk and other dairy products and protein supplements (eg whey powder) Sources of carbohydrates are things such as brown bread, grains, oats, potatoes (eat sweet potato over normal potato as it has a lower GI level thus providing longer lasting energy) and pasta. Try to avoid refined carbohydrates and simple sugars from things like sweets and white bread. Sources of good fats (omega oils and unsaturated fats) are things like flax seed oil, walnuts and oily fish.

To eat properly you should have three main meals a day with three smaller snacks in between. Try to avoid all unhealthy foods (sweets, fizzy drinks, chocolate, deep fried foods, cakes etc) as these will cause you to gain unnecessary fat. If you find that you are struggling to gain muscle mass on a diet of 2500-3000 calories a day then start gradually upping the calories as you must get enough energy everyday to you to build arm muscle quickly.

Correct Weight Lifting

When it comes to learning about how to build arm muscle quickly, there are a few important things to remember. Firstly, DON’T OVER-TRAIN! You simply do not need to spend two hours a day in the gym lifting weights because you will cause too much strain on your muscles. Your body will become fatigued and you won’t experience any muscle gains. To prevent over-training I recommend that you workout 4 times a week (2 times upper body for building arm muscle and 2 times a week for the lower body) A good program would be upper body on Monday, lower body on Tuesday, rest Wednesday and Thursday then upper body again on Friday and lower body on Saturday. This gives your body plenty of time to recover so you don’t injure yourself.

As far as picking exercises goes you should focus on compound exercises such as dead-lifts, bench press, overhead shoulder press and chin-ups/pull-ups and then finish off your upper body routine with concentration exercises such as dips and dumbbell curls. You should use enough weight so that you can perform between 5-10 repetitions of the exercise in each set and you should do three sets for each exercise. Every two weeks you should add another 5% weight so your body is constantly challenged to grow bigger and stronger.

If you want to learn how to build arm muscle quickly then you must get your training routine right or you simply won’t see the results you want!

Mental Success

When it comes to learning how to build arm muscle quickly it is also important to get the the right mental attitude towards succeeding. Tell yourself each morning that you can (and will) build arm muscle quickly and that you won’t give up no matter how hard it seems. By preparing yourself well mentally it is far easier to achieve the physical results that you want. Also, don’t give up if it takes a long time to see results because all your hard work will be worth it in the end!

Let’s just recap on how to build arm muscle quickly! Firstly, ensure that you have a well-balanced diet with plenty of calories and protein. Secondly, make sure you aren’t over-training and that when you do train you focus on compound exercises. Finally, make sure that you have the right attitude towards success so that the physical side of things becomes much easier. Thanks for reading and good luck!

Source by Sam G Jackson

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

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