Friday, April 17, 2015

How To Build Muscle Like Movie Stars

Do you want to know how to build muscle like movie stars? If you do, read on and I will help you out as best I can. It is no wonder you want to put on muscle like film stars. Seeing a film star go from an average build into a lean mean fighting machine can be mind boggling. So lets find out how they do this in such a seemingly short amount of time.

Build Muscle Like Movie Stars

Firstly film stars have a great advantage of having all the best trainers, nutrition and massive motivation. Not to worry though, because we can copy these techniques to build muscle like movie stars.

The hardest part of any body transformation comes down to putting on muscle mass. Usually this is a slow process (maybe you know this already). The real secret that film stars use, is putting on muscle mass where it counts. Normally their smart trainers will make film stars put on muscle on the shoulders, chest and abs. This gives the impression of putting on lots of muscle.

Think of it this way: What do you think will be more noticeable; putting on 10 pounds of muscle over your entire body. Or putting 10 pounds of muscle on your mirror muscles?

If you want to put on muscle like movie stars, you need to use a workout program called a specialisation program, that focuses on these muscle groups.

Build Muscle Like Movie Stars: Diet

The other main trick when looking at how to build muscle like movie stars, is with a diet. Getting very lean gives a great impression of being very muscular. It is this leanness that gives you that tight ripped look and muscle tone.

If you look at Brad Pitt in Fight Club, he is actually quite skinny, with little muscle mass. But because of his leanness he looks very muscular and toned. So, although the topic of this article is how to build muscle like movie stars. You need to also work on losing body fat to show of your muscles, or you will never get that film star look.

There are many diets to choose from, although going with the low carbohydrate and high protein approach. Seems to be the easiest for most people to follow and probably gets the fastest results. If you are already very lean with little muscle mass you need to eat more and get on a good workout program.

Build Muscle Like Movie Stars: Workout Program

When trying to build muscle like movie stars, it is paramount that you get a proper workout program to follow. Just blindly working your mirror muscles with no plan in mind will definitely not work. As a quick guideline you need to be working your desired muscle groups no less than 2 times per week.

The workouts for the rest of the week should supplement your specialisation workouts. You should be using movements like squats to elevate your natural testosterone levels to ensure your are putting on as much muscle mass as possible.

Source by William Coulter

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

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