Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Brussel Sprout and Bacon Medley Paleo Recipe Book

Brussel Sprout and Bacon Medley Paleo Recipe Book

Get The Paleo Recipe Book here- http://bit.ly/1xCUC34 http://ift.tt/1v6wHcm Brussel Sprout and Bacon Medley Page 167.




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Paleo Transformation

Paleo Transformation

http://ift.tt/1HdAgGi review

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[Discussion] Do any of you have chronic pancreatitis and/or ideas on low-fat recipes?

I know, low fat and paleo. Eek. So I have celiacs and Crohn's; paleo is my friend. But, I drank too much anyway and my pancreas is starting to be fucked :(. Protip guys, alcoholism is not a good life plan. The "fix your pancreas" diet is pretty much low fat, which is rather tricky. I'm cross-referencing all the charts from all my medical diets, and what's left is so, so little.

I'm doing a bunch of research, but figured some of my research was just reaching out to you guys and asking :).

So the general diet is: low fat (avocados and nut butters just got thrown out), low fiber, no spicy, and easy to chew (e.g. all veggies must be soft, no steak).

So the list of meals I have is:

Banana pancakes (3 bananas + 2 eggs + cloves)

Microwaved sweet potatoes and poached eggs

Baked chicken with pineapple

lean ground beef in burger patty shape, but not more than 1/4 lb a day, in a tomato slices bun.

Scrambled eggs with broccoli and salt

Spinach/onion fritatta

Chopped sashimi or tilapia or catfish with lime, garlic, cilantro

Shrimp balls (these are great, guys. I leave the coconut out)

baby food, like mashed plum

It's not really a lot to cycle through over the course of like, forever :/. If you guys want to suggest anything at all, I'd love to hear it.

submitted by everyoneknowsmyreal1
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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1OEvNNl

[Discussion] Paleo and running?

I LOVE being on the Paleo <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diets.com/goto/diet/59282/1″>diet, but I was wondering ––

Running helps me with depression. It gets me going. I run four to five times per week, usually five. But I find myself tired and worn out sometimes, and I think it might be foods I am eating or am not eating. Ingesting salt helped a lot.

ugh, anyway:

How do I run on a Paleo <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diets.com/goto/diet/59282/2″>diet?

submitted by <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diethttp://ift.tt/1zJyJS7; rhythmicbreathing
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How to Get Faster and Prevent Injuries by Improving Muscle Elasticity

Having muscles that are elastic, means upon stretch they respond with a rapid recoil as opposed to a rip or tear that can occur with an inelastic muscle. It is theorized that having such elasticity helps to produce greater speed because you are utilizing energy that is stored in the muscle as it strikes the ground and contracts. In addition, having muscles that are elastic can help prevent injuries when your foot hits an unexpected bump or pot hole and your muscles are able to spring you back into balance before the rest of your body hits the ground.

Inelasticity of the muscle can occur from multiple causes such as previous muscle strain, previous joint sprains, spinal and pelvic misalignments, and altered nerve supply to the muscle. All of these sources result in a muscle that is tighter than it should be. Most people know that to improve elasticity of the muscle it should be stretched. However, most people only do static stretching that involves one plane. This isn’t always affective as certain joints of the body like the hip and shoulder allow for multiple planes of motion, instead of just a forward and back or side to side motion.

Therefore, for many joints of the body stretching must attempt to address all planes of motion. For example, to stretch the right hip flexor, instead of just kneeling on the right knee and lunging forward to stretch the hip flexor, try and raise the right arm straight up in the air on the side of the leg you are kneeling on. As you lunge forward, exhale and turn slightly across your body (to the left) for a 2-3 second count and then as you inhale come out of the lunge. Repeat again turning farther this time to the left. Next, try turning slightly to the right as you lunge forward on the same leg with your right arm overhead. Repeat this several times. These movements address multiple planes across the hip flexor and the hip capsule.

Another factor to improving muscle elasticity with stretching is when the stretching will be performed. Prior to a workout the athlete should attempt to do dynamic stretches with short pulses as described above to prepare the body for the activity and help give the muscles that elastic quality that helps prevent injury and maximizes speed. Following the sport, when an athlete is cooling down is a better time to hold the stretch for longer periods of time (10-60 second counts) to attempt to actually increase range of motion and elasticity. This type of stretching post activity is much more effective at improving elasticity because the muscles are warm and filled with blood.

Finally, in the last part of this article one should consider eccentric strength training to improve muscle elasticity for speed as well as strength. This type of exercise can be achieved using two different training methods. The first would be to do a simple eccentric slow count weight lifting activity. For example, for the hamstrings after performing a hamstring curl on a weight machine or with the feet upon an exercise ball and the body in a bridge position, you would slowly extend the legs out lower the weight or simply rolling the ball away from you as your legs extend. The second type of exercise to help build elasticity is a plyometric. These exercises involve a rapid and forceful contraction of the muscle after it is fully loaded. The goal is to improve the speed of contraction and elasticity of the muscle and therefore the movement. One of my favorites for all athletes is the box jump. This can be performed in many different ways but starting on a 1-2 foot high box and simply jumping down with a soft cushioning deep knee bend and then immediately doing a quick and explosive jump up into the air as high as possible is a great exercise to improve the explosive power of the muscle used in running and jumping. Repeat 8-10 times once or twice a week for several weeks and then take a break.

So as one can see there are various ways to stretch and strengthen the muscles to help improve their elasticity and speed of contraction. The importance of this besides improving performance is helping to prevent injury. In the next article in this series I will discuss how joint injuries reduce muscle elasticity and prevent stretching programs from working.

Source by Dr. David Ginsberg

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1OEvNx5

Teff Flour and the Candida Diet

Have you ever heard of teff flour? I hadn’t either until I started experimenting with gluten free flours to use on the candida diet. Teff grass, botanical name Eragrostis tef, is an ancient grain that can thrive in a variety of extreme weather conditions, which makes it a very reliable grain choice. Teff grass is native to Ethiopia where it has been used for centuries as food for cattle and a component of building materials. Teff is the smallest grain in the world but despite its small size it is an extremely versatile grain. In Ethiopia today it is milled into flour and used to make a flat bread call injera, porridge and as an ingredient in alcoholic beverages. Although teff has proven to be a reliable grain it has gone pretty much unrecognized and unused in North America until now.

Increasing awareness of medical conditions such as celiac disease, autism, gluten allergies/sensitivities and candidiasis in which eliminating gluten from one’s diet is necessary or may be beneficial has brought non-glutinous flours such as teff to the forefront in North America. As we search for alternatives to our staple gluten filled grains, wheat, barley and rye, we are starting to search the globe far and wide for useful alternatives. Using teff flour as part of your diet to treat these conditions is of particular interest because teff flour has a very impressive nutritional profile when compared to that of other flours, both glutinous and non-glutinous. Teff flour contains a large amount of bran and germ which makes it an excellent source of dietary fiber, protein and iron. Teff is also a good source of calcium. Since teff flour does not contain gluten, is such a nutritional powerhouse and is slightly lower in carbohydrates than some other grains it is an ideal choice for the candida diet also known as the yeast free diet.

The candida diet is used to treat candidiasis, an overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal system. This is why it is often referred to as the yeast free diet, as the goal is to eliminate all foods and ingredients containing yeast and ingredients that feed yeast, in order to reduce the amount of yeast in the intestinal system. The biggest offenders tend to be sugar, processed foods, quick-acting carbohydrates, vinegar and fermented foods. Many candida diet resources also suggest giving up glutinous grains such as wheat, rye and barley because they are not only hard to digest, which puts an added burden on an already compromised digestive system, but gluten may also contribute directly to the yeast overgrowth problem by feeding the yeast. Symptoms of candidiasis include but are not limited to digestive problems, mental confusion, premenstrual syndrome, depression, eczema and acne.

The cornerstone of treatment for candidiasis is the candida diet. The candida diet is the most important part of the treatment but can be the most difficult part because of the amount of foods that are eliminated. Having options such as teff flour opens up new possibilities on the candida diet. Using teff flour along with other non-glutinous flours can help the candida dieter to create a variety of yeast free dishes. You can substitute teff flour for about one fourth of the flour called for in a recipe.

For more information on living yeast free by following the candida diet visit yeast free living.

Source by Tennille Jordan

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1HsLsPi

[Discussion] Do any of you have chronic pancreatitis and/or ideas on low-fat recipes?

I know, low fat and paleo. Eek. So I have celiacs and Crohn's; paleo is my friend. But, I drank too much anyway and my pancreas is starting to be fucked :(. Protip guys, alcoholism is not a good life plan. The "fix your pancreas" diet is pretty much low fat, which is rather tricky. I'm cross-referencing all the charts from all my medical diets, and what's left is so, so little.

I'm doing a bunch of research, but figured some of my research was just reaching out to you guys and asking :).

So the general diet is: low fat (avocados and nut butters just got thrown out), low fiber, no spicy, and easy to chew (e.g. all veggies must be soft, no steak).

So the list of meals I have is:

Banana pancakes (3 bananas + 2 eggs + cloves)

Microwaved sweet potatoes and poached eggs

Baked chicken with pineapple

lean ground beef in burger patty shape, but not more than 1/4 lb a day, in a tomato slices bun.

Scrambled eggs with broccoli and salt

Spinach/onion fritatta

Chopped sashimi or tilapia or catfish with lime, garlic, cilantro

Shrimp balls (these are great, guys. I leave the coconut out)

baby food, like mashed plum

It's not really a lot to cycle through over the course of like, forever :/. If you guys want to suggest anything at all, I'd love to hear it.

submitted by everyoneknowsmyreal1
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Key Lime Pie Cupcakes

I bake over 200 of these cupcakes for our church suppers, and we always run out. If you can’t find Key lime juice, use lime juice. Just add a tad more sugar. —Julie Herrera-Lemler, Rochester, Minnesota

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1Dg4rIe

Dress Up These Pigs in a Blanket for the Big Game (You'll Hardly Recognize Them)

Photo by Andrew Purcell, food styling by Carrie Purcell

Stockpiled the beer? Picked the popcorn? Great. But there's still one more thing for you to do before the big game kicks off: Design your very own pigs-in-a-blanket. 

Oh, wait, were you planning to go with the basic model? They'll do in a pinch. But in just three simple steps, you can go beyond cocktail wieners and puff pastry, giving this old-school party snack an all-star makeover.


There's no need to default to the cocktail wienie. Not when you can take your pick from the wide world of sausages. Duck sausage. Spicy pork sausage. Chicken-herb. Smoky kielbasa. The only points you need to know: The sausages need to be pre-cooked, so if you pick up a batch of raw sausages, just pan-fry them and let them cool to room temp before cutting them to cocktail-wiener size and wrapping your pigs in pastry. (Click here for the basic method.) There's only one kind of sausage you can't use: Dried sausages. They're too, well, dry.


Great sausage stands on its own, sure, but no one would say no to biting into a pig that also features melted cheese or another flavor-packed ingredient. Just think about what your selected sausage would taste best with. Spicy Italian sausage with provolone and some sliced basil. Kielbasa with sauteed onions or sauerkraut. Chorizo with membrillo (quince paste). Hot dogs with pimento cheese. Chicken-herb sausage with pesto. And so on. Just keep the amounts on the small side so the pigs still roll up easily in the pastry.


After you've rolled up your pigs, there's still time to add even more flavor before they bake. Just brush them with beaten egg and sprinkle them with something delicious. Cumin seeds. Dried oregano. Grated cheese. Smoked paprika. Flaky sea salt and/or cracked black pepper.

Ready to get started? Here are three amazing upgrades on pigs-in-a-blanket to try:

Pigs-in-a-Blanket with Sauerkraut and Mustard

Pigs-in-a-Blanket with Hoisin and Scallion

Pig-in-a-Blanket with Chorizo, Membrillo, and Manchego

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1HsHSVA

[Discussion] Do any of you have chronic pancreatitis and/or ideas on low-fat recipes?

I know, low fat and paleo. Eek. So I have celiacs and Crohn's; paleo is my friend. But, I drank too much anyway and my pancreas is starting to be fucked :(. Protip guys, alcoholism is not a good life plan. The "fix your pancreas" diet is pretty much low fat, which is rather tricky. I'm cross-referencing all the charts from all my medical diets, and what's left is so, so little.

I'm doing a bunch of research, but figured some of my research was just reaching out to you guys and asking :).

So the general diet is: low fat (avocados and nut butters just got thrown out), low fiber, no spicy, and easy to chew (e.g. all veggies must be soft, no steak).

So the list of meals I have is:

Banana pancakes (3 bananas + 2 eggs + cloves)

Microwaved sweet potatoes and poached eggs

Baked chicken with pineapple

lean ground beef in burger patty shape, but not more than 1/4 lb a day, in a tomato slices bun.

Scrambled eggs with broccoli and salt

Spinach/onion fritatta

Chopped sashimi or tilapia or catfish with lime, garlic, cilantro

Shrimp balls (these are great, guys. I leave the coconut out)

baby food, like mashed plum

It's not really a lot to cycle through over the course of like, forever :/. If you guys want to suggest anything at all, I'd love to hear it.

submitted by everyoneknowsmyreal1
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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1IFP13t

Between Health and Performance You Discover The Paleo Diet

The post Between Health and Performance You Discover The Paleo Diet appeared first on The Paleo Diet™.

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The Importance of Muscle Recovery

Many people have the wrong impression of how lifting weights and exercising helps the body build muscle. It is not during the workout that muscles are built, but after the workout during the time known as the recovery period. When you work your muscles, fibers are torn down. During recovery those fibers are repaired, which leads to muscle growth. If you do not allow adequate time for muscle recovery then you will not see the results that you desire.

In addition to allowing for muscle growth, the muscle recovery period also help protect your muscles from strain and injury. When your muscles get worked hard they are more prone to injury. If you try to work them without recovery time then you face the chance of getting muscle strain injuries.

An injured muscle can take weeks, even months to heal. That could keep you from working out. You don’t want that to happen. When a muscle is injured it can stop you from working out completely. For example, if you hurt a large muscle like your quadriceps, then you will have trouble doing any exercises that use this muscle, even cardio. This could really set you back in your fitness program and even cause you to lose muscle you have already built.

It is important that you pay attention to your body and its needs. Muscles need time to heal. Even when you get a good workout, muscles are damaged. As mentioned, it is this damage that causes your muscles to grow. Trying to work your muscle too much, though, causes harmful damage that will take a long time to heal. That is why recovery is so important.

The best way to allow muscles to recover is rest. Typically, a strength training workout will involve working a muscle group until failure. This means doing an exercise until you can no longer do it with good form. Your muscles get a really good workout from this type of training. After working a muscle group you will want to rest it. This means not doing any more exercises that focus on that muscle group for a certain period of time. The general rule when it comes to muscle recovery is to allow at least 24 hours between workouts. This doesn’t mean that you can’t workout every day. What it means is that you should not work out the same muscle group two days in a row.

Most people put together a workout that alternates between upper and lower body exercises. Others may simply work different muscle groups each day. Here is an example of a 5 day workout:

Day 1: triceps, biceps

Day 2: quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes

Day 3: abs, lower back

Day 4: shoulders, chest, back

Day 5: calves, forearms

No matter how you choose to schedule your workout, it is important to allow for at least a day of rest before working a muscle group again. The only exception to this rule is the abdominal muscles, which can be worked without the need for muscle recovery.

Source by Jonathan P Lerner

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Paleo Recipes Changed My Life!

Paleo Recipes Changed My Life!

http://ift.tt/1Jsl8Uv Just thought I'd make a video saying how much my life has changed ever since I got on the paleo diet. It wasn't easy at first because most places don't…




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1Jslb2u

Episode 266 – Pam Schoenfeld & Adele Hite – Healthy Nation Coalition

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Featuring guests: Pam Schoenfeld and Adele Hite






Robb Wolf's 30 Day Paleo Transformation

30 Day Guide to the Paleo Diet

Want some extra help? Have you been trying Paleo for a while but have questions or aren’t sure what the right exercise program is for you? Or maybe you just want a 30-day meal plan and shopping list to make things easier? We’ve created a getting started guide to help you through your first 30 days.

Buy the book


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Health Care Services

There are many health services and a proper range of health care services needs to be provided under a proper healthcare system. The United States does not have the best health care services in the world but it can be said that it has the best emergency care system around the globe. The fact behind this is that America is having highest level of poverty and income inequality among all the rich and developed nations and it affects the reach of the people to the proper health services.

Health systems are designed to fulfill the needs of the health care of some targeted nation or population. Health care planning and its proper system implementation are much more necessary for any country or government. According to the World health report 2000 “Improving performance are good health, responsiveness to the expectations of the population, and fair financial contribution.” Duckett (2004) proposed a two dimensional approach to evaluation of health systems: “quality, efficiency and acceptability on one dimension and equity on another.”

To have a best health care facilities UNICEF advises that there must be three primary steps which can then systematically improve the health services and to complete a health system.

1. Standards

2. Assessment and Accreditation

3. Support Materials

Seven years ago World Health Organization made the first major effort to rank the health systems of 191 nations. The following parameters were taken in consideration for the best care services;

· Insurance Coverage

· Access

· Fairness

· Health Lives

· Quality

· Life and Death

· Patient Satisfaction

· Use of IT

· Top of the Line Care

· Walk in clinic

Health is a state of well being, physically, mentally, socially and psychologically. Health services are fundamental part of any community, therefore financial stability and proper coverage of medical through insurance or some other way is very much necessary for a human to live and stay normal. There is a proper process oriented structure is required, implemented by the government to provide the health services to each and every of their citizen. The health care industry is responsible to provide the proper health care services to the people with their arm namely health services providers. These health services are paid and could be paid by the patient, by insurance plan, or by the government. Charities and volunteers also play their role to provide the health services to those who are unable to afford. There could be various ways to provide health services to the patient, normally can be categorized into two main;

· Face to Face:

This is the most common way, where the provider, interacts with the patient physically and after having the checkup and understanding of the issues, diagnoses the problem or suggests some tests or medication.

· Non -Face To Face:

Telecommunication is the latest emerging facility, which is now in use to provide healthcare services as well. The practitioner can interact with the patient using, phone, email, text message, or video conferencing and then can provide further suggestions to him / her.

Health services are also provided at schools where the children could be taken care of. UNESCO has published a set of tools to provide the guidance to school healthcare services providers. Following are the basic parameters which must be catered;


· Food and nutrition

· Helminthes and hygiene

· Malaria

· Violence

· Drugs, tobacco and alcohol

In any health services providing system there could be the following three types of health services.

1. Primary Health Care Services:

Whenever someone needs a health care service in normal and routine life, who could be a family doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, physiotherapist, pharmacist, etc. Primary health services often include prevention and treatment of common diseases and injuries.

2. Secondary Health CareServices:

Whenever someone needs a special care he/she is referred to a specialized care unit, like hospital, or nursing home to provide secondary level of health facilities.

3. Additional / Supplementary Health Care Services:

The services which are normally provided to the senior citizens, children or to whom which do not have their proper medical coverage or paying capabilities and the expanses are covered through government funds or through some volunteer or charity organization.

Source by Shane Kruger

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1Jsl8Ut

[DISCUSSION] Road trip snack recommendations

Hi all,

My husband and I are about to embark on a 3 day road trip to move from Colorado to Washington (state).

There's an awesome Paleo restaurant here that prepares ready-to-eat microwavable meals so we'll be stocking up on those for our nights in hotels, but I am in search of some snacks for the car and foods to supplement the carb-based continental breakfasts.

Beef jerky and nuts seem an obvious choice, but any other suggestions?


submitted by katiethered
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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1HiEBcM

Powerlifting Program Part 4 – Exercise Selection (breaking through plateaus)

Powerlifting Program Part 4 – Exercise Selection (breaking through plateaus)

This video is about Powerlifting Program Part 4.




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1Jsl8Un

[Discussion] Paleo and running?

I LOVE being on the Paleo <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diets.com/goto/diet/59282/1″>diet, but I was wondering ––

Running helps me with depression. It gets me going. I run four to five times per week, usually five. But I find myself tired and worn out sometimes, and I think it might be foods I am eating or am not eating. Ingesting salt helped a lot.

ugh, anyway:

How do I run on a Paleo <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diets.com/goto/diet/59282/2″>diet?

submitted by <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diethttp://ift.tt/1zJyJS7; rhythmicbreathing
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diethttp://ift.tt/1zJyKFE] <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diethttp://ift.tt/1yNFZBd comments]

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Paleo Diet Recipe & Paleo Cooking : Paleo Cabbage Rolls Recipe

Paleo Diet Recipe & Paleo Cooking : Paleo Cabbage Rolls Recipe

You Can Download The Best Paleo Recipe Cookbook & Paleo Meal Plans! Instant Access To 372 Simple Paleo Recipes, Meal Plans & Much More! CLICK HERE : http://ift.tt/1xxxJof …




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1bsDvy5

Ten Secrets You Should Know About The Atkins Diet

One of the cornerstones of the Atkins diet is that people previously believed that if you wanted to get thinner all you had to do was eat less or reduce calories. As it turns out, according to the Atkins diet you can eat only 20 grams of carbs per day, but you are allowed to eat plenty of red meat, fish, eggs, cream, and butter. This is quite a contrast to what most people believe about dieting.

Of course the long-term data is still out on this question and many people are concerned about the long-term risks of following the Atkins diet. The diet is based upon the fact that it is the way your body processes the carbohydrates you eat not how much fat you eat is what causes you to gain weight. The principle behind the Atkins diet is that weight loss is quicker because fat burns more calories than carbohydrates do. There are still supplements diet plans and other programs and also support that dieters can turn to to help manage their eating habits and their weight loss progress. The Atkins diet holds that people who are overweight are eating too many carbohydrates and by reducing carbohydrates that our bodies will burn the fat more effectively.

You see Dr. Atkins knew that the human body uses two types of fuel to sustain life. The first is glucose from carbohydrates. The second, ketones from fat. So basically by limiting your carbs, you force your body into breaking down the stored fat, which is what you really need to do to lose weight.

There are of course many detractors of the Atkins diet. For example there are some reports from the UK that people on the Atkins diet simply don’t feel like eating anymore. Others say that the weight loss from an Atkins diet isn’t that much different than other diets that rely on the low-fat or vegetarian diets.

Another concern is that if you lose weight too quickly because of ingesting too few calories, your body will go into a so-called starvation mode and your weight loss will either slow down or stop completely because of a change in your metabolism.

Still another concern of the detractors of the Atkins diet is that some of the foods that are restricted on a low carbohydrate diet are the same types of food that decrease inflammation for example fruits and vegetables. Also foods high in saturated fats such as butter tend to increase the body’s production of inflammatory chemicals. Some believe that replacing carbohydrates with foods that are high in saturated fats also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But that’s just the point. The Atkins diet does not suggest or promote the ingestion of extremely unhealthy and fatty foods without moderation. Anything overdone can have unhealthy side effects. Hundreds of thousands of people have enjoyed permanent weight loss reduction using the Atkins diet method. Give it a try yourself and see if it isn’t right for you.

Source by Jay Douglas

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1bsDvy2

Fat Burning Chef Special Discount | By Abel James

Fat Burning Chef Special Discount | By Abel James

http://ift.tt/1zsAQwf review

Content-rich Fat Loss, Nutrition, And Fitness Program With 6 Products. 70% Commission Plus Recurring Upsells. Find Out How You Can Cash In At: http://ift.tt/1bnKMdB

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Orange Chicken

I found this recipe several years ago while looking for a new way to prepare chicken. My husband, daughter and I live on a small farm in the mountains of north Georgia. This has become our favorite evening meal dish. —Betty Sexton, Blairsville, Georgia

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[DISCUSSION] Road trip snack recommendations

Hi all,

My husband and I are about to embark on a 3 day road trip to move from Colorado to Washington (state).

There's an awesome Paleo restaurant here that prepares ready-to-eat microwavable meals so we'll be stocking up on those for our nights in hotels, but I am in search of some snacks for the car and foods to supplement the carb-based continental breakfasts.

Beef jerky and nuts seem an obvious choice, but any other suggestions?


submitted by katiethered
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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review http://ift.tt/1GgJjVx

Build Muscle – Explode Your Muscle Growth by Using This Bodybuilding Principle

If you’re trying to build muscle and are on a solid bodybuilding program, you should be incorporating this workout principle. Far too many people go into the gym and proceed to do the same thing over and over again, while not seeing optimal gains.

The reason for this is because the body grows accustomed to what you are telling it to do very quickly and as such, progress stops happening.

Therefore, if you want to progress, you need to do something differently.

That’s where pyramid reps come in.

The Problem With Most Bodybuilding Programs

The biggest issue with most bodybuilding programs that are targeted towards weight gain is that they will often having you working all your sets in the same rep range.

While there is no doubt that the 6-8 rep range does tend to be the optimal compromise for both building strength and muscle, it doesn’t mean it’s the best approach to always use.

In an ideal world, you’d get the best results from your program in all aspects – strength, muscle building, and endurance.

Therefore, combining rep ranges can accomplish this in a single workout.

How To Do Pyramid Sets

Therefore, what you will want to do with your workouts is work through a range of reps as you complete a single exercise.

So, for instance, you could start with a lighter weight, performing 10 reps, then increase the weight slightly and bring it down to 8 reps. From there, decrease the weight one more time and complete six reps.

This will give you three sets completed, all while focusing on the main components of muscular strength – endurance, muscle building, and strength.

You can also reverse this, depending on what your primary goal is, however it’s generally slightly more beneficial to start with the lighter weight first, since this will serve as a warm-up.

If your main goal is pure strength though, you may find that the few sets before the heaviest one are only making you unable to lift as much as you normally would, in which case starting with the strength set (after a light couple of reps than as a warm-up) would be the better way to go.

So, next time you’re doing a workout, give some thought to including some pyramid sets into the program.

These will help you experience the greatest variety of gains in relation to building muscle.

Source by Shannon Clark

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Between Health and Performance You Discover The Paleo Diet

The post Between Health and Performance You Discover The Paleo Diet appeared first on The Paleo Diet™.

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[DISCUSSION] Road trip snack recommendations

Hi all,

My husband and I are about to embark on a 3 day road trip to move from Colorado to Washington (state).

There's an awesome Paleo restaurant here that prepares ready-to-eat microwavable meals so we'll be stocking up on those for our nights in hotels, but I am in search of some snacks for the car and foods to supplement the carb-based continental breakfasts.

Beef jerky and nuts seem an obvious choice, but any other suggestions?


submitted by katiethered
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[Discussion] Paleo and running?

I LOVE being on the Paleo <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diets.com/goto/diet/59282/1″>diet, but I was wondering ––

Running helps me with depression. It gets me going. I run four to five times per week, usually five. But I find myself tired and worn out sometimes, and I think it might be foods I am eating or am not eating. Ingesting salt helped a lot.

ugh, anyway:

How do I run on a Paleo <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diets.com/goto/diet/59282/2″>diet?

submitted by <a rel="nofollow" href="http://guide2diethttp://ift.tt/1zJyJS7; rhythmicbreathing
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[DISCUSSION] Road trip snack recommendations

Hi all,

My husband and I are about to embark on a 3 day road trip to move from Colorado to Washington (state).

There's an awesome Paleo restaurant here that prepares ready-to-eat microwavable meals so we'll be stocking up on those for our nights in hotels, but I am in search of some snacks for the car and foods to supplement the carb-based continental breakfasts.

Beef jerky and nuts seem an obvious choice, but any other suggestions?


submitted by katiethered
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Best Paleo Recipes

Best Paleo Recipes

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Episode 266 – Pam Schoenfeld & Adele Hite – Healthy Nation Coalition

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Featuring guests: Pam Schoenfeld and Adele Hite






Robb Wolf's 30 Day Paleo Transformation

30 Day Guide to the Paleo Diet

Want some extra help? Have you been trying Paleo for a while but have questions or aren’t sure what the right exercise program is for you? Or maybe you just want a 30-day meal plan and shopping list to make things easier? We’ve created a getting started guide to help you through your first 30 days.

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Health Coach Salary: How Much Does a Health and Wellness Coach Make a Year?

Health and Wellness Coach salaries can vary quite a lot. The U.S. Dept. of Labor Bureau statistics reported that in 2010 that the salary for Health and Wellness Coaches ranged from $23,443 – $61,928 a year. Of course, a lot will depend on the particular career path you choose to take after having received your training.

There are wide-ranging opportunities available, from owning your own business, to working for a corporate wellness program, to joining a physician’s practice. The salary potential is quite variable. Indeed.com states that the median salary for a Health and Wellness Coach is $72,000 annually. However, many job listings you’ll find in this field omit adding a salary figure in their career ads, so it may be difficult to tell as a job applicant what you can expect to make. The interview will be key. Also, keep in mind that the more education and experience you have, the higher your pay scale will be as an employee.

If you choose to go the route of an Independent or Personal Health and Wellness Coach, as a small business owner, many factors that affect your salary are controlled by the parameters you choose to set.

For instance, take a look at these questions you need to address in your business:

Do I want to work from home or meet my client in an outside establishment? If so, you eliminate office space costs.

Do I want to work part-time, and have just a few clients a week, or would I rather work with as much business as I can reasonably keep up with, such as 70+ hours a week?

Do I want to offer extra features and services to boost my income, such as online courses or printed materials?

Will I be spending time and money advertising my services in order to to generate business?

Those questions and more are just some of the things to consider when starting your own Health and Wellness Coaching business. They determine your overall yearly income.

Given these wide-ranging options, the monthly salary could be anywhere from $200 – $300 a month to even earning $1,000′s+ of dollars a month. Personal health coaches often have fees between $100 – $150 an hour. Some coaches do offer packages of multiple sessions at a lower per hour rate.

Another financial bonus, is that when you own your own small business, numerous expenses are tax deductible, giving you quite an advantage in terms of annual earnings.

If you choose a different career path, and prefer to become an employee as a Health and Wellness Coach, you may find that as with any occupation, the larger the role and responsibility, the higher your pay.

For example, if you work for a corporation as an Employee Health and Wellness Administrator (around $50,000 annually), your job will involve less responsibility than if you were a Wellness Program Manager (around $75,000 annually).

Checking with local job listings will yield varying results depending on how large and established the company or practice is, as well as how broad the job responsibilities are.

For other examples, Health and Wellness Coordinators at corporations typically make around $50,000 a year, where as Consultants make approximately $44,000.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics does see an uprising career trend in Health and Wellness coaching. They also foresee that about half of all employers will have some kind of Corporate Wellness program active for their employees in the future. With predictions like these, a career in Health and Wellness does look to have a very promising future. You may find that a Health and Wellness Coach earns a salary you could be very comfortable with. Job opportunities in this area are certain to grow.

Source by Bridgett Tulloh

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Weight Lifting Exercises for Beginners : Dumbbell Biceps Curl Weight Lifting Exercise for Beginners

Weight Lifting Exercises for Beginners : Dumbbell Biceps Curl Weight Lifting Exercise for Beginners

Learn essential weight lifting exercise workouts such as the dumbbell biceps curl and what muscles it works in this free exercise video on weight lifting for beginners. Expert: Kirk Watt Bio:…




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