Monday, March 2, 2015

Man Went From A Paleo Diet to an Agricultural Diet

According to anthropological studies the Paleo diet of early man consisted of wholesome foods like: fruits such as berries, roots of plants, tree leaves, herbs, grasses, nuts, eggs, vegetables, fish, meat, seeds, herbs, and plants that grow underground, such as potato.

It is very important to think of not only the evolution of man as a species but also the evolution of food. Somewhere along the way people began to make things like candy, cakes, cookies and other deserts. It didn’t stop at desserts. Meats were cooked in skillets full of grease. Butter was added to vegetables and the list of unhealthy things done to food goes on.

The method of cooking today can make a world of difference in healthy eating. For instance, instead of cooking fried chicken on the stove with the food setting in the grease, you can grill the chicken, or cook it in a rotisserie, or you can air fry it in a technically advanced product of today, like the NuWave Pro Oven.

Paleo man ate no wheat, rice or corn. These foods did not exist until farming was discovered. Men went from a Paleo diet and began to plant crops and raise animals for food and changed to an agricultural diet.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are important in the Paleo diet and is one way to get good nutrition. They are a good source of vitamins. Fresh fruit and vegetables are better to eat than canned, because there is no sodium in fresh produce.

When you shop at the grocery store be sure to choose lean meats or the leanest you can find and trim off all fat. The fat from the chicken thigh will need to be trimmed also.

Breads made with whole grain is a healthy choice over white bread.

Fat free dairy products have improved a lot since they first hit the market. Now they actually taste good. There are many items that are fat free margarine, milk mayonnaise etc. Also Soy milk and Almond milk are good alternatives for people who are allergic to dairy products.

Other fat free items that are tasty are syrup, jams and jelly.

Be sure to talk with your own family doctor, or a nutritionist about the Paleo diet and for accurate and up to date information on nutrition. As well as advice about what kind of exercise you can do according to your health and physical ability.

Source by Wayne H Kayse Jr

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

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