Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Why Should You Become A Home Health Aide?

Reasons to Become a Home Health Aide

There are many reasons to consider becoming a home health aide. Employment is projected to grow by 50% over the next 10 years. Job security is an important factor in today’s economy and is also an important reason why many people are considering becoming a home health aide. Training is required but is fairly straightforward. Here are a few reasons to consider this career choice:

Free Training

There are both paid and free training options available for individuals looking for jobs. Training is important because it helps you prepare for any certification examinations. Free training is available in certain cities. Some employment agencies offer free training to qualified candidates. There are certain qualifications you must meet in order to be considered for free training by these agencies. If you meet the requirements and complete the certification exam you will most likely receive a job offer from the training agency. Although this is a great opportunity it is important to realize that not all agencies pay the same amount of money and agencies that offer free training may pay noticeably less than other employment agencies.

The Chance to Help People on a Personal Level

People who work as home health aides love what they do because they get to help people on a daily basis. If you enjoy helping the elderly or disabled you may consider this as a dream job. Most aides provide important services to families and individuals who are experiencing challenging situations because of health related issues. Health aides receive a lot of personal satisfaction because they are providing comfort to individual clients on a regular basis. Many aides typically form close relationships with individual clients and make lasting friendships as well. There are very few job opportunities that allow people to get to know one another on such an intimate level.

Ability to Move Up Professionally

Some professionals remain home health aides throughout their careers. Others consider becoming nurses or nurse practitioners and doing more in the health field later on doing their careers. Most aides receive great training that can help them if they decide to pursue other career goals. It is important to start from the bottom and work your way up to the top when considering becoming a nurse or doctor or any other allied healthcare professional. Becoming an aide can give you a unique perspective and also give you time to consider whether or not working in the healthcare field is truly something you want to do. Becoming a nurse or doctor is a large commitment, while becoming a home health aide is also a commitment, it does not take as much time and money to receive training in this profession. You may consider starting as an aide before making the larger commitment of becoming a nurse or doctor in the future.

Things to Consider

If you feel that working as an aide is something you wish to do, you need to take a few things into consideration. Many health aides must pass an examination before they can become certified. Home health aides also do not make as much money as other professionals in the healthcare industry. You must consider whether or not you are willing to commit to long hours, standing on your feet, and working with bodily fluids on a regular basis. All of these issues are factors that make working in this profession challenging. In spite of these challenges, choosing this career is a rewarding choice that allows people to help those in need. If you believe you have what it takes, becoming a home health aide could be a lasting and rewarding career option.

Source by Raine Stevens

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