Sunday, November 30, 2014

LOWER ABS UNLEASHED – 3 Exercises! (V-CUT Abs)

LOWER ABS UNLEASHED – 3 Exercises! (V-CUT Abs)

Carve out those lower abs with ATHLEAN-X – The lower abs are definitely one of the hardest areas for guys to get to show b…




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Testing the Cabbage Soup Diet – Day 5

It’s day 5 on the Cabbage Soup Diet, and I’m feeling pretty good all over. All in all this has been the easiest diet EVER. I’ve lost another half a kilo, and with no significant discomfort, illness (except for the zinc side-effects) or (let’s face it, a significant concern)…antisocial digestive consequences. It’s a little harder to give an objective assessment of feeling today, to be fair, because I slept really badly (due to too much stuff on my mind – probably shouldn’t have started playing with blog indexing at 11pm!). But I feel good in my body, energetic despite the tiredness and comfortably fed.

Of course it helps that today is a MEAT DAY! Yay! Today I get to eat up to 560g of beef and 8 medium tomatoes as my additional food. I started early (couldn’t wait) with a beefy breakfast of a pasta-less bolognaise so as to incorporate the toms – I browned 200g of good minced beef in a pan, while food-processing 3 of the toms with two cloves of garlic (not technically on the roster but a very small deviation I think, and my first), a few leaves of basil, black pepper and salt. Then I stirred the tomato mixture into the mince while slowly simmering until it was a rich red beefy sauce, and dug in with relish.

Never has meat tasted so good. Just the texture was heavenly, and the beef had depth of flavour and complexity that I’d never tasted before. It speaks for the power of deprivation to sharpen your enjoyment. Honestly I’d do the whole thing again just for that experience.

Later I’m going to marinate some rump steak in pounded tomato to tenderise and sharpen the flavour, then make it into small beef-and-tomato kebabs I can chew on through the afternoon and evening to draw out the pleasure (and pace things for my meat-deprived digestive system). I’ve just had my lunch bowl of soup, this time with a dash of smoked paprika to liven it up, and it’s still not too dull, let alone offputting.

Funnily enough – and I would never have said this before – I’m already missing the other raw fruit and veg. Right now I’ve got a real craving for a carrot to chomp on to top off my mostly liquid lunch…this may leave me with a good longterm change of appreciation in food groups!

Yesterday I dug through a bunch of journal databases looking for anything like a peer-reviewed controlled study of the cabbage soup diet. Through my Athens student login I tried Ovid, all the Medline databases, the AMED Allied and Complementary Medicine archive, British Nursing Indexes, and even PsycINFO, and I also looked on Pubmed and Google Scholar – nowhere was I able to find a single scientific study (or indeed any kind of serious trial) of the diet. Looks like this debate will continue to be unsupported by any valid medical data.

Source by Mark Hewitt

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Safe to consume eBay grass fed tallow?

link of examples

Is the grass fed tallow sold on ebay safe to eat? It's so much cheaper than online vendors.

submitted by dirkside

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

1000 paleo recipes book review + 1000 paleo recipes cooking

1000 paleo recipes book review + 1000 paleo recipes cooking Download 1000 paleo recipes cookbook learn how to get all the benefits of the paleo diet quickly and easily Need a quick recipe at…




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Huge Opportunity. 1 In 10 Americans Have Neuropathy. Got Lots Of Traffic? We Can Offer You 90% Commissions + Cash Bonuses! From Creators Of The Top 3 Remedy Offers On CB!

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I lost over 80 pounds eating satiating meals. In this video, I demonstrate a quick and easy salad recipe using Season Brand olive oil packed sardines, a bag …




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

night eating issue stopping complete paleo lifestyle

OK I don't mean to sound cliche but I don't know what else to really do. I began really sticking to paleo about 3 months ago and I've begun to see gains in strength, feel overall better, and am slowly looking more lean. However the one thing that I feel is stopping me is nightly eating issue.

Let me first say that its not just me wanting junk food once the sun has set, or craving ice cream before bed- that'd be easy to accomplish.

about 3-5 times a week I will wake up hungry for sweets or high carb rich foods. I then will raid our kitchen of them for about 10-12 minutes before returning to bed. My level of consciousness isn't totally there. I'm usually only semi-conscious. Like when you wake to take your nightly pee. This is really getting on my nervs and stopping me from dropping the weight like I feel I should be.

during the day everythings very healthy. I usually wake up and have a heavy protein shake with almond milk for breakfast. Coffee and jerky, or nuts for a snack, some form of veggie and meat for lunch, pre workout protein shake before either weight training or Brazilian Jiujitsu class, followed by meat and veggies for dinner, then maybe some fruit, or tea with honey a little later.

It's not till i dose, do i go nuts for sweets.

I live with my family ( who eats sweets and does not practice paleo) so the idea of just "not having sweets in the house" won't work.

thoughts reddit?

submitted by danjitsu91

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Why Health is Wealth

Being health-conscious is important. Be aware of how to properly take care of your body. Teaching health education is aimed in promoting conscientiousness. This involves assessing the current lifestyle and mental state, both crucial in determining one’s overall health.

Phases of health:

A. Physical health – refers to the bodily condition itself. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, proper nourishment and enough rest all promote a healthy body.

B. Mental health- refers to the person’s emotional and psychological condition. It involves the cognitive and emotional capacity of a person.

The Four Determinants of Health:

A. Human biology – An area in biology involving the study of the human body. This is also linked to primate biology.

B. Environmental science – The study of substance, chemicals and natural components of the environment.

C. Lifestyle – The totality of a person’s outlook, principles, and way of life.

D. Self-care – Individual health maintenance and restoration. This involves decision-making in health matters in relation to one’s own body.

Health Maintenance: Achieving a healthy state and staying healthy is a continuous process. The following are components of healthy living:

1. Nutrition – the study of the nutritional content of food, and the effects of these to the body.

2. Sports nutrition – The study of the relationship between dietary supplements and athletic activities. The primary objectives this study is to regulate glycogen levels, optimize energy levels and muscle tone.

3. Exercise – A physical activity involving sweat, that builds muscles and burns fat.

4. Hygiene – The routine of maintaining a clean body to avoid disease and sickness, and to prevent the contact of transmissible causes.

5. Stress Management – Includes methods and/or procedures in combating emotional stress. Stress is defined as a person’s physiological reaction to an inner or outer stimulus, causing temporary mental imbalance.

6. Public Health – The study of the neighborhood to ensure a safe living environment to its population.

Source by David Urmann

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Top 10 Benefits of Coconut Oil

Top 10 Benefits of Coconut Oil review

75% Commission! Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Oil. From A Dietary Supplement, Skin And Hair Care, To A Cooking Oil (recipes Included) This Book Fills Several Niches. Start Making Making Money From This Highly Sought Topic Today. Banner Ads /affiliates.html

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Effects of exercise on muscles and homeostasis

Effects of exercise on muscles and homeostasis

muscles and homeostasis exercise, muscles, health,homeostasis, homeostatic, health, workout,exercising, maintain, muscle soreness, sore muscles, Delayed Onse…




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Caveman Nutrition: How Can We Eat Like This?

John Williams, Ph.D., has degrees in archaeology and anthropology. His research and fieldwork has focused on the Paleolithic and Neolithic of the “Old World”, which basically means the Stone Age of Europe, Africa and Asia. John has always had an interest in nutrition, which actually works quite well within prehistoric studies, because our past was one big food quest.

CB: Tell us more about your approach to nutrition, and more importantly, developing delicious healthy eating recipes.


You might ask, how in the world did an archaeologist get into creating healthy recipes? I’ve never been a stranger to the kitchen. My Mom never really enjoyed cooking, so she encouraged me to cook for myself from a very early age. In fact, in grade school, I would wake up at 6 AM so I could make an omelet for myself before school. OK, so maybe I was a strange kid, but I certainly learned to find my way around a kitchen.

Cooking skills have also come in very handy on excavations, where there are crews of 10-20 people needing nourishment from long days of heavy labor in the sun. We usually have chefs, but I’m always poking my nose around the kitchen, giving them recipes to make sure we have sufficient protein and a good fatty-acid profile.

My travels have also taught me a lot about international cuisine. I had an Indian roommate in Israel when I was doing my dissertation research, and he taught me a lot about Indian food, which I think is some of the best in the world. I’ve also been to various places around the Middle East and Europe, where I picked up quite a few cooking tips.

Over the past few years, I’ve been continually experimenting with making healthy recipes that taste great. Bodybuilders are some of the most knowledgeable people out there when it comes to nutrition, yet many of them will resort to eating tuna from a can and boiling chicken breasts. Not that there’s anything wrong with an occasional quick snack, but there are certainly ways to make healthy meals both quick and delicious.

CB: What is your take on eating dairy? Are there any problems with consuming large amounts of dairy products?


My fridge is full of cottage cheese and yogurt. But I’m not a big fan of milk, as I’ve found that it makes me ‘stuffy’, for lack of a better word. If you want to know the gory details, I get some mucus buildup after drinking milk, which leads me to suspect I have a low-grade allergy to it. It’s the same feeling I’ve had after eating takeout Chinese food loaded with MSG – not good. Interestingly, I can eat cottage cheese and yogurt all day without the stuffiness.

There’s also the whole issue of dairy and insulin response. A few studies have shown that dairy products cause a disproportionately large insulin response, which some people believe could prevent fat breakdown.

But of course milk and dairy are an excellent source of casein, which is one of the best sources of protein out there. So in the end, it’s entirely up to the individual. Personally, I won’t be making all that many recipes with milk in them, because of the potential side effects.

CB: What is your take on the low-carbohydrate approach to fat loss? Do you have any low-carbohydrate case studies you would like to share? What are your top sources of carbohydrate that you recommend people eat?


Extremely low carb approaches like Atkins, and even all liquid protein and EFA diets like the Velocity Diet certainly can be effective in losing fat fast. But like I said earlier, a more balanced diet is certainly better in the long run. I think that avoiding foods like spinach or broccoli because of their few carbs would be a travesty.

CB: What are your top sources of protein?


I usually grill about 3 pounds of chicken breasts at a time for quick meals during the day, and cook a proper breakfast and dinner with eggs, lean beef, fish, and the occasional game meat (bison, venison, etc.)

CB: What are your top sources of fat?


Each morning I have a strong cup of Joe and a teaspoon of fish oil to clear the mental cobwebs with a caffeine-DHA combo. Not mixed together of course – I wouldn’t want to ruin the taste of my Ethiopian Harrar! Then throughout the day, I’ll have a couple of omega-3 eggs (Pilgrims Pride EggsPlus), some olive oil in various meals, and various nuts – particularly almonds and walnuts. I also take a couple of fish oil caps with every meal. This tends to balance everything out, providing a moderate amount of saturated fat, sufficient monounsaturated, and about a 2:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3’s.

CB: Can you tell us the role of food in controlling “inflammation” (i.e. controlling arthritis)? What foods should be avoided? What foods should be consumed?


One of the easiest ways to combat inflammation is by drinking sufficient water. Particularly if you drink coffee or any caffeinated beverage, water is a must. The commonly accepted amount for active people is about a gallon a day.

Another major pro-inflammatory aspect of our diets is a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. If our cell membranes are full of omega-6’s, then muscle soreness and damage will be much worse after weight training. But get those fats balanced (more omega-3’s), and inflammation/soreness can be reduced, leading to reduced recovery time.

Source by Craig Ballantyne

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

night eating issue stopping complete paleo lifestyle

OK I don't mean to sound cliche but I don't know what else to really do. I began really sticking to paleo about 3 months ago and I've begun to see gains in strength, feel overall better, and am slowly looking more lean. However the one thing that I feel is stopping me is nightly eating issue.

Let me first say that its not just me wanting junk food once the sun has set, or craving ice cream before bed- that'd be easy to accomplish.

about 3-5 times a week I will wake up hungry for sweets or high carb rich foods. I then will raid our kitchen of them for about 10-12 minutes before returning to bed. My level of consciousness isn't totally there. I'm usually only semi-conscious. Like when you wake to take your nightly pee. This is really getting on my nervs and stopping me from dropping the weight like I feel I should be.

during the day everythings very healthy. I usually wake up and have a heavy protein shake with almond milk for breakfast. Coffee and jerky, or nuts for a snack, some form of veggie and meat for lunch, pre workout protein shake before either weight training or Brazilian Jiujitsu class, followed by meat and veggies for dinner, then maybe some fruit, or tea with honey a little later.

It's not till i dose, do i go nuts for sweets.

I live with my family ( who eats sweets and does not practice paleo) so the idea of just "not having sweets in the house" won't work.

thoughts reddit?

submitted by danjitsu91

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Split Chicken Breasts with Baby Broccoli | Paleo Recipe

Split Chicken Breasts with Baby Broccoli | Paleo Recipe

RECIPE: Spring is finally here – enjoy the warm weather with this delicious dish, fit for a …




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

The Relationship Between Health and Fitness

There is no doubt that health and fitness are related to each other. If you are fit, you guarantee yourself a healthy life. Fitness is achieved by practicing any kind of sport, even if it is just walking. Technology has brought us so many benefits and managed our time, but in the same time, it brought us diseases and pains. Sedentary life is not ours, nor are we created to sleep or sit all the day long. We are born to live our lives moving and to be active, doing all our stuff by ourselves. Since we cannot live without our cars, remote controls, elevators and PDA’s, then we can practice any kind of sport to get the maximum out of it and be healthy all our lives.

If we took walking for an example, you will notice anybody you know who perseveres on walking every day for at least 1/2 an hour, that they are enjoying a healthy life, free from stress and sickness. This is because of their perseverance on walking improved his fitness, and so, their health and mental well-being. Actually, you can guarantee a good and healthy life just from walking every day. You will deal with your life stresses, you will progress at work, and even more, you will be more spiritual and religious. Simply because walking increases you blood flow to the brain, therefore, increases your thinking skills. So if you want to get smarter, then get walking.

Walking makes your body releases endorphins, which are natural hormones released inside your body to make you feel happy. This may be prominent when you walk at a high speed. However, people who walk slowly notice an improvement in their mood.

Almost, all the physicians recommend their patients to walk every day, or at least 3 times a week, and they consider it a natural treatment and an essential part of the therapy. So many diseases are cured or improved by walking. For example; Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis, Glaucoma, Cataract, Depression, Heart diseases, Respiratory diseases, Lymphatic diseases, Circulatory and Nervous problems.

As we mentioned before that while you walk, your brain releases endorphins and so achieving what many drugs and herbs try to achieve artificially but in a natural way. This makes the cure from depression, a piece of cake. However, depression is a serious and life-threatening disease. Anyway, you should consult a therapist in this case.

When you walk, you have much time to think and to get away from any stress. This is because you breathe in fresh air, watch the nature and feel your body moving, which relieves all the stresses in your body and on your mind, too.

On walking, you should wear comfortable clothes, and shoes. Drink enough water before, during and after walking. Try to make it in a natural open-air place, with trees and natural views around and enough fresh air. Enjoy the view and breathe deeply as much as you can. Be sure that you are away from any stressful factor. Walk an hour after a meal, and never walk on a full stomach. You can eat anything, but 1/2 an hour after your walk. Straighten your spine; do not arch your back. Do not lean forward or backwards. Look forward with your chin up. Try to make your body relaxed as much as you can, with your shoulders relaxed and slightly back. Pull your stomach inwards. Squeeze your buttocks as you walk.

You can ask anybody you know to join you while walking, as you will not feel bored, because you will talk and laugh with them, and time will pass by, resulting in so many miles walked without noticing that the distance and time had passed. Go ahead start from now on. Walk every day or at least 3 times a week, put it on your schedule and never skip it.

Source by Darren Williger

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

The Relationship Between Health and Fitness

There is no doubt that health and fitness are related to each other. If you are fit, you guarantee yourself a healthy life. Fitness is achieved by practicing any kind of sport, even if it is just walking. Technology has brought us so many benefits and managed our time, but in the same time, it brought us diseases and pains. Sedentary life is not ours, nor are we created to sleep or sit all the day long. We are born to live our lives moving and to be active, doing all our stuff by ourselves. Since we cannot live without our cars, remote controls, elevators and PDA’s, then we can practice any kind of sport to get the maximum out of it and be healthy all our lives.

If we took walking for an example, you will notice anybody you know who perseveres on walking every day for at least 1/2 an hour, that they are enjoying a healthy life, free from stress and sickness. This is because of their perseverance on walking improved his fitness, and so, their health and mental well-being. Actually, you can guarantee a good and healthy life just from walking every day. You will deal with your life stresses, you will progress at work, and even more, you will be more spiritual and religious. Simply because walking increases you blood flow to the brain, therefore, increases your thinking skills. So if you want to get smarter, then get walking.

Walking makes your body releases endorphins, which are natural hormones released inside your body to make you feel happy. This may be prominent when you walk at a high speed. However, people who walk slowly notice an improvement in their mood.

Almost, all the physicians recommend their patients to walk every day, or at least 3 times a week, and they consider it a natural treatment and an essential part of the therapy. So many diseases are cured or improved by walking. For example; Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis, Glaucoma, Cataract, Depression, Heart diseases, Respiratory diseases, Lymphatic diseases, Circulatory and Nervous problems.

As we mentioned before that while you walk, your brain releases endorphins and so achieving what many drugs and herbs try to achieve artificially but in a natural way. This makes the cure from depression, a piece of cake. However, depression is a serious and life-threatening disease. Anyway, you should consult a therapist in this case.

When you walk, you have much time to think and to get away from any stress. This is because you breathe in fresh air, watch the nature and feel your body moving, which relieves all the stresses in your body and on your mind, too.

On walking, you should wear comfortable clothes, and shoes. Drink enough water before, during and after walking. Try to make it in a natural open-air place, with trees and natural views around and enough fresh air. Enjoy the view and breathe deeply as much as you can. Be sure that you are away from any stressful factor. Walk an hour after a meal, and never walk on a full stomach. You can eat anything, but 1/2 an hour after your walk. Straighten your spine; do not arch your back. Do not lean forward or backwards. Look forward with your chin up. Try to make your body relaxed as much as you can, with your shoulders relaxed and slightly back. Pull your stomach inwards. Squeeze your buttocks as you walk.

You can ask anybody you know to join you while walking, as you will not feel bored, because you will talk and laugh with them, and time will pass by, resulting in so many miles walked without noticing that the distance and time had passed. Go ahead start from now on. Walk every day or at least 3 times a week, put it on your schedule and never skip it.

Source by Darren Williger

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

night eating issue stopping complete paleo lifestyle

OK I don't mean to sound cliche but I don't know what else to really do. I began really sticking to paleo about 3 months ago and I've begun to see gains in strength, feel overall better, and am slowly looking more lean. However the one thing that I feel is stopping me is nightly eating issue.

Let me first say that its not just me wanting junk food once the sun has set, or craving ice cream before bed- that'd be easy to accomplish.

about 3-5 times a week I will wake up hungry for sweets or high carb rich foods. I then will raid our kitchen of them for about 10-12 minutes before returning to bed. My level of consciousness isn't totally there. I'm usually only semi-conscious. Like when you wake to take your nightly pee. This is really getting on my nervs and stopping me from dropping the weight like I feel I should be.

during the day everythings very healthy. I usually wake up and have a heavy protein shake with almond milk for breakfast. Coffee and jerky, or nuts for a snack, some form of veggie and meat for lunch, pre workout protein shake before either weight training or Brazilian Jiujitsu class, followed by meat and veggies for dinner, then maybe some fruit, or tea with honey a little later.

It's not till i dose, do i go nuts for sweets.

I live with my family ( who eats sweets and does not practice paleo) so the idea of just "not having sweets in the house" won't work.

thoughts reddit?

submitted by danjitsu91

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

XR | Slide Basics | Full Body | Fitness, Exercise, Sliding, Glide, Training, Home, Travel

XR | Slide Basics | Full Body | Fitness, Exercise, Sliding, Glide, Training, Home, Travel

XR Slide Sports Model, Justine Switalla, demonstrates a great series of slide exercises for the entire body. XR Slide is the latest innovation in fitness tec…




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Paleo Citrus Fish Recipe

Paleo Citrus Fish Recipe

Mmm… A tasty fish recipe with a citrus twist. Note: Fish fillets may fall apart a little while cooking, but don't worry – this is normal. Drain away as muc…




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Alkaline Cook

Alkaline Cook review

Brand New Launch For Healthy & Alkaline Diet. Works Best With Healthy Living, Weight Loss Crowd.

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Paleo Diet Recipes – Paleo Diet Cookbook Plus Free Bonus

Paleo Diet Recipes – Paleo Diet Cookbook Plus Free Bonus

GET YOUR PALEO RECIPE BOOK WITH BONUS FORM :- What is the Paleo Recipe Book? The Paleo Recipe book is truly unique. Pa…




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

night eating issue stopping complete paleo lifestyle

OK I don't mean to sound cliche but I don't know what else to really do. I began really sticking to paleo about 3 months ago and I've begun to see gains in strength, feel overall better, and am slowly looking more lean. However the one thing that I feel is stopping me is nightly eating issue.

Let me first say that its not just me wanting junk food once the sun has set, or craving ice cream before bed- that'd be easy to accomplish.

about 3-5 times a week I will wake up hungry for sweets or high carb rich foods. I then will raid our kitchen of them for about 10-12 minutes before returning to bed. My level of consciousness isn't totally there. I'm usually only semi-conscious. Like when you wake to take your nightly pee. This is really getting on my nervs and stopping me from dropping the weight like I feel I should be.

during the day everythings very healthy. I usually wake up and have a heavy protein shake with almond milk for breakfast. Coffee and jerky, or nuts for a snack, some form of veggie and meat for lunch, pre workout protein shake before either weight training or Brazilian Jiujitsu class, followed by meat and veggies for dinner, then maybe some fruit, or tea with honey a little later.

It's not till i dose, do i go nuts for sweets.

I live with my family ( who eats sweets and does not practice paleo) so the idea of just "not having sweets in the house" won't work.

thoughts reddit?

submitted by danjitsu91

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via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review – Official Website – Official Website review

New Fat Loss Product. 75% Commissions On All Front & Back End Sales! Got Lots Of Traffic? We Can Offer You 90% Commissions! We Also Give Away Cash Money Every Month To Affs! For Aff Tools Go To Http://

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Drinking Distilled Water – The Truth About The Health Benefits Of Distilled Water

Drinking distilled water has both pros and cons for your health. Short term, it can be a life saver. It has been known to quickly drive any harmful chemicals and toxins from the body, and many people have literally had their lives saved by drinking distilled water.

Because Distilled Water is boiled, and therefore is free from dissolved minerals, it contains the special ability to be able to eliminate harmful waste from the body. Time and time again, distilled water has proven effective at removing harmful wastes and cleansing the system of any impurities.

Those opposed to drinking distilled water point to the fact that all the natural minerals, as well as harmful chemicals, are removed from the water. While removing the chemicals is obviously beneficial to your health, many are leery of drinking water that is devoid of all the natural minerals your body needs in order to operate efficiently. Most people don’t realize this, but you actually receive the vast majority of vitamins and minerals you need through your food.

When compared to your drinking water, the minerals and vitamins you receive from water is minuscule compared to your food. Therefore, while you won’t receive the health benefits these vitamins and minerals in regular drinking water will provide you, you also will not be subject to the harmful effects that the chemicals that seep through will do to your body.

However, on the con side, drinking distilled water can have adverse effects on your body. Here they are:

The more distilled water you consume in your body, the more the body absorbs carbon dioxide. A regular intake of distilled water, in the long term, can also cause a fast loss of electrolytes in your body, which include sodium, potassium, chloride, etc.

This also includes minerals such as magnesium. In all, deficiencies in these areas can lead to an irregular heart beat and high blood pressure.

No matter what side of thinking you prescribe to on drinking distilled water, no one can deny that this method is definitely the most effective and thorough at removing the harmful chemicals and toxins that often seep through into your tap water. Obviously, removing all the harmful chemical has the negative effect of also eliminating the minerals your body needs.

However, as mentioned above, you receive most of those through the food you eat anyway. The bottom line is this: there are experts on both sides of the fence when it comes to drinking distilled water. You need to do your own research, weigh the pros and cons, and make your own decisions about whether or not drinking distilled water is right for you.

Source by Josh Neumann

via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Exercises to lose belly fat – Best two exercises to lose belly your fat!

Exercises to lose belly fat – Best two exercises to lose belly your fat! – Quick & Easy Fat Burning Recipes Learn how to lose belly fat today, with the right exercises to lose belly fat! Do you …




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review

Paleo Cookies – Paleo Recipe Book

Paleo Cookies – Paleo Recipe Book

Click Here – Paleo Cookies – Paleo Recipe Book And get 30% OFF Tags: paleo cookie recipe paleo cookie recipes paleo c…




via Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook Review